This is an RMarkdown document with code to analyze the online comments on the Wall Street Journal opinion piece ‘Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an MD.’
# Read in the comments
dat_in <- read_csv("cleaned_wsj_comments_1214_noon.csv")
# Proxy for gender using SSA recrods for individuals born from 1932 - 2002
dat_in2 <- dat_in %>%
mutate(first_name = tolower(str_extract(name, "([^\\s]+)"))) %>%
birth_year_min = "1932",
birth_year_max = "2002")
name_gender_probs <- gender_df(
name_col = "first_name",
year_col = c("birth_year_min", "birth_year_max"),
method="ssa") %>%
distinct(name, proportion_female)
dat_final <- dat_in2 %>%
left_join(name_gender_probs, by=c("first_name"="name")) %>%
select(name, first_name, prob_name_female=proportion_female, comment)
# Many authors comment more than once. Here we make each observation a
# unique author (first name / last name combination)
dat_by_author <- dat_final %>%
group_by(name) %>%
first_name = first(first_name),
prob_name_female = first(prob_name_female),
comment = paste(comment, collapse = " "),
num_comments = n()) %>%
# Only use individuals where we are >= 75% sure about their gender
mutate(gender = case_when(
prob_name_female >= 0.75 ~ "F",
prob_name_female <= 0.25 ~ "M",
TRUE ~ "Unknown"
dat_by_author %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
`N Posters` = n(),
`Median Comments Per Poster` = median(num_comments),
`Avg. Comments Per Poster` = mean(num_comments),
) %>%
`N Posters` = prettyNum(`N Posters`, big.mark=","),
`Avg. Comments Per Poster` = round(`Avg. Comments Per Poster`, 2)) %>%
rename(`Gender` = gender) %>%
ggtexttable(rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("blank")) %>%
tab_add_hline(at.row = 1:2, row.side = "top", linewidth = 4)
# Filter out unknown gender
dat_by_author <- dat_by_author %>%
filter(gender != "Unknown")
# Start up the udpipe init of cleanNLP.
# cleaNLP will tokenize the text data, allowing us to limit
# to certain parts of speech and lemmatise each word.
# See:
# Final preperations for the annotation
dat_to_anno <- dat_by_author %>%
rename(text=comment) %>%
mutate(doc_id = 1:n())
# This annotation step takes somewhat long to run
anno <- cnlp_annotate(dat_to_anno)
Here, we use a simple Lasso regression model, loosely basing our methodology on Wu, 2018. Specifically, letting \(w_i\) denote a vector of indicators for whether each of the lemmatised verbs, adjectives, and nouns used by at least 25 commenters is used by commenter \(i\), we estimate a Lasso linear regression model for the probability that the post is authored by a \(Female\), as follows:
\(\hat{\beta_{\lambda}} = argmin_{\beta}\sum_i(Female_i - \beta_0-w_i'\beta)^2+\lambda||\beta||_1\)
where \(||\beta||_1 = \sum_{j\geq1}|\beta^j|\)
The marginal effect of word \(k\) on the probability that an author is \(Female\) is estimated by \(\hat{\beta_{\lambda}^k}\), the coefficient on the regressor \(w_i^k\). We select an optimal tuning parameter \(\lambda^*\) through 10-fold cross validation. Importantly, Lasso regression’s functional form helps identify words without over-fitting our model. There are 425 words used by at least 25 commenters.
# Set a seed for reproducibility
# Filter to Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs
df <- anno$token %>%
left_join(anno$document, by="doc_id") %>%
filter(upos %in% c("NOUN", "ADJ", "VERB"))
# Build the term-frequency matrix.
# We use binary (0/1 - does this author use the word?).
# min_df is the minimum share of documents the word must be used in to be used,
# we will set is so that a word needs to be in 25 documents.
min_docs_used <- 25
# Build the term frequency matrix
mat <- cnlp_utils_tf(df, doc_var = "doc_id", "binary", min_df=min_docs_used/max(df$doc_id))
# Make the vector of outcome variables as 0/1
gender <- df %>%
distinct(doc_id, gender) %>%
mutate(gender_F = as.numeric(gender == "F"))
# Use 10-fold cross validation to set the lambda tuning parameter
cv <- cv.glmnet(mat, gender$gender_F, alpha = 1, family = "gaussian", nfolds=10)
# Now use that lambda to predict
model <- glmnet(mat, gender$gender_F, alpha = 1, lambda = cv$lambda.min, family = "gaussian")
# Get the betas
beta <- coef(model)[-1]
# Get the non-zero betas
final <- tibble(
word = colnames(mat)[beta != 0],
coef = beta[beta != 0]
# Most female predictive
female <- final %>%
arrange(desc(coef)) %>%
slice(1:20) %>%
mutate(coef = round(coef, 3)) %>%
rename(Word=word, `Marginal Effect`=coef)
# Most male predictive
male <- final %>%
arrange(coef) %>%
slice(1:20) %>%
mutate(coef = round(coef, 3)) %>%
rename(Word=word, `Marginal Effect`=coef)
female_p <- ggtexttable(female, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("blank")) %>%
tab_add_hline(at.row = 1:2, row.side = "top", linewidth = 4)
male_p <- ggtexttable(male, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("blank")) %>%
tab_add_hline(at.row = 1:2, row.side = "top", linewidth = 4)
female_p + labs(title="\n \n Most Female") +
theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(size=13, hjust=0.5)),
male_p +
labs(title = "\n \n Most Male") +
theme(legend.position = "none", plot.title = element_text(size=13, hjust=0.5)),
top = textGrob("Words Most Predictive of Male/Female Commenters",
nrow = 1)
# Words about sexism/misogyny
numer_sexist <- dat_by_author %>%
mutate(comment = tolower(comment)) %>%
grepl("sexism", comment) |
grepl("sexist", comment) |
grepl("misogyny", comment) |
grepl("misogynistic", comment) |
grepl("misogynist", comment)) %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarise(n_sexist = n())
denom <- dat_by_author %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarise(n_total = n())
numer_sexist %>%
inner_join(denom, by="gender") %>%
share = n_sexist/n_total,
gender = if_else(gender == "M", "Male", "Female")) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_bar(aes(y=share, x=gender, fill=gender), stat="identity") +
theme_classic() +
scale_fill_manual(values = wes_palette("Darjeeling2", 2)) +
labs(x="", y="Share of Commenters", title="Commenters using the words 'sexism', 'sexist', \n 'misogyny', 'misogynistic', or 'misogynist'") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Comment Summary 1