First we read in a set of required packages. You may need to use install.packages() if this is your first time using one or more of these.
Here we read in two files. First, the demographics of all census tracts (csv created from 2017 ACS) saved as “data/tract_share_minority.csv”. Second, the information about MSA/CBSA by county (csv from Census Bureau) saved as “data/cbsa_list.csv”.
# Load-in the demographics of all census tracts
demographics <- read.csv("data/tract_share_minority.csv") %>%
mutate(minority_share = case_when( ~ "NA",
pct_minority < 50 ~ "0 - 50%",
pct_minority < 80 ~ "50 - 80%",
TRUE ~ "80 - 100%")) %>%
mutate(minority_share = factor(minority_share,
levels = c(
"0 - 50%",
"50 - 80%",
"80 - 100%",
# Read in the data with information about MSA/CBSA by county
cbsas <- read_csv("data/cbsa_list.csv")
This code will create the function. You should not need to edit this code.
create_map <- function(msa_num, app_dat=NULL, branch_dat=NULL, add_drive_polys=FALSE, shape_file_year=2018, dir_to_use="", delete_files=TRUE){
# Set the directory
directory <- paste0(dir_to_use, "temp_mapping_files/")
# Create a temporary directory to work with
# Create the directory to save the unzipped files into
dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped"))
# Get the counties in the MSA
msa_dat <- filter(cbsas, `CBSA Code` == msa_num)
# For each state that is represented in the MSA, download the shape files
states_in_msa <- unique(msa_dat$`FIPS State Code`)
# Make a string version that adds a 0 infront of single digit states
# str_states_in_msa <- if_else(states_in_msa < 10, paste0("0", states_in_msa), as.character(states_in_msa))
# Loop through the states
for(i in 1:length(states_in_msa)){
# Create the URL to ping
url <- sprintf("",
shape_file_year, shape_file_year, states_in_msa[i])
# Set the place to send the zip folder
file_loc <- paste0(directory, basename(url))
# Call the API #
# Only run if the file does not already exist
if(file.exists(file_loc) == FALSE){
call <- GET(url,
write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=FALSE),
# If we do not get a favorable status, delete whatever we found
if(call$status_code != 200){
# And stop the function
stop_for_status(call, paste(
"connect with Census Bureau servers. Attempted to connect with url:",
"Make sure you are using the correct MSA number. It is also possible that the Census servers are down."))
} else print("File already exists") # If the file already exists, tell the user that
# Unzip the zip folder and save it in the folder unzipped
unzip(file_loc, exdir = paste0(directory, "unzipped"))
# Get the name of the shape file
shp_file <- substr(basename(url), 0, nchar(basename(url))-4)
# Load in the spatial data of tracts in the state
state_tracts <- readOGR(paste0(directory, "unzipped/", shp_file, ".shp"), layer = shp_file)
# Get the FIPS numbers of the counties in the state that are in the MSA
counties <- (filter(msa_dat, `FIPS State Code` == states_in_msa[i]))$`FIPS County Code`
counties <- as.numeric(counties)
# Limit the spatial data to only the counties in the state that are in the MSA
state_tracts@data <- state_tracts@data %>%
mutate(COUNTYFP = as.numeric(as.character(COUNTYFP)),
GEOID = as.numeric(as.character(GEOID)))
state_msa_tracts <- state_tracts[state_tracts$COUNTYFP %in% counties,]
# Then bind the tracts to the final data
if(i == 1){
msa_tracts <- state_msa_tracts
msa_tracts <- rbind(msa_tracts, state_msa_tracts)
# Join the demographic data in
msa_tracts@data <- left_join(msa_tracts@data, demographics, by=c("GEOID"="geoid2"))
# Delete the files that are left at the end
if(delete_files == TRUE){
unlink(directory, recursive = T)
# Create the minority tract palette
pal_tract_minority <- colorFactor(c("#fcdf99", "#f29130", "#FF6F61", "#e6e6fa"), domain = msa_tracts$minority_share)
# Create the base map
map <- leaflet(msa_tracts) %>%
setView(mean(bbox(msa_tracts)[1,1], bbox(msa_tracts)[1,2])*.99,
mean(bbox(msa_tracts)[2,1], bbox(msa_tracts)[2,2])*1.01,
zoom = 8) %>%
options = leafletOptions()
) %>%
fillColor = ~pal_tract_minority(minority_share),
weight = .05,
color = "black",
opacity = 1,
fillOpacity = 0.5,
group = "Tract Demographics"
) %>%
pal = pal_tract_minority,
values = ~minority_share,
title = "Tract Minority Share")
# If you give it branches limit to the branches in a box surrounding the MSA and plot
# Filter to only the branches in the MSA
coordinates(branch_dat) <- ~ X + Y
proj4string(branch_dat) <- proj4string(msa_tracts)
branch_dat <- branch_dat[msa_tracts,]
# Construct the drive time polygons
print("Constructing the drive time polygons:")
# This is calling the demo OSRM server to build isochrone drive time polygons for each branch.
# It takes a second to run.
# Eventually, it would probably be better to set up a local instance of this server.
# See:
# See:
# We do this only for the branches that are currently open.
isos <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(branch_dat)){
print(paste(i, "of", nrow(branch_dat)))
iso <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c((branch_dat[i,])$X, (branch_dat[i,])$Y), breaks = c(0, 10, 15, 20))
iso@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso@data$min, "to", iso@data$max, "min"))
isos[[i]] <- iso
# Now we merge all the polygons into rows in a SpatialPolygon data frame
combined_isos <- isos[[1]]
if(length(isos) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(isos)){
combined_isos <- rbind(combined_isos, isos[[i]])
# Then for each of the drive times, we actually merge the polygon shapes
# 10 mins
ten_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times == "0 to 10 min",]
ID_ten <- factor(rep(1, nrow(ten_min_isos))) # one id for all
merged_polys_10 <- unionSpatialPolygons(ten_min_isos, ID_ten)
# 15 mins
fifteen_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times %in% c("0 to 10 min", "10 to 15 min"),]
ID_fifteen <- factor(rep(1, nrow(fifteen_min_isos))) # one id for all
merged_polys_15 <- unionSpatialPolygons(fifteen_min_isos, ID_fifteen)
# 20 mins
twenty_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times %in% c("0 to 10 min", "10 to 15 min", "15 to 20 min"),]
ID_twenty <- factor(rep(1, nrow(twenty_min_isos))) # one id for all
merged_polys_20 <- unionSpatialPolygons(twenty_min_isos, ID_twenty)
# Add the polygon layers to the map
map <- map %>%
addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
fillColor = "#08589e",
weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
data = merged_polys_10,
group = "Drive Time = 10 Minutes") %>%
addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
fillColor = "#08589e",
weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
data = merged_polys_15,
group = "Drive Time = 15 Minutes") %>%
addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
fillColor = "#08589e",
weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
data = merged_polys_20,
group = "Drive Time = 20 Minutes")
# Add the branch data to the map
map <- map %>%
data = branch_dat, lat = branch_dat$Y, lng = branch_dat$X,
weight = 1,
opacity = .9,
fillOpacity = .75,
radius = 12,
group = "Branches",
color = "#08589e"
# Add the loan data to the map
map <- map %>%
data = app_dat, lat = app_dat$Y, lng = app_dat$X,
weight = 1,
opacity = .9,
fillOpacity = .5,
radius = 3,
group = "Applications",
color = "#737373"
map <- map %>%
overlayGroups = c("Tract Demographics", "Drive Time = 10 Minutes", "Drive Time = 15 Minutes",
"Drive Time = 20 Minutes", "Applications", "Branches")) %>%
hideGroup(c("Drive Time = 15 Minutes", "Drive Time = 20 Minutes"))
For our first example, we load in branch data (pulled from publicly available source at: and geocoded using the Google geocoding API:
dc_branch_dat <- read.csv("data/dc_area_branch_dat.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# MSA 47900 - DC-Area
map1 <- create_map(47900, branch_dat = dc_branch_dat, delete_files = F)
Here we generate fake application data to show how one can overlay applications on the map.
# Generate fake loan data according to a uniform distribution (yes this naiive approach puts some loans in rivers)
fake_applications <- data.frame(
X = runif(n=2000, min=-78, max=-76.8),
Y = runif(n=2000, min=38.4, max=39.2))
map2 <- create_map(47900, app_dat = fake_applications, branch_dat = dc_branch_dat)
## Warning in dir.create(directory): 'temp_mapping_files' already exists
## Warning in dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped")):
## 'temp_mapping_files\unzipped' already exists
Now for an MSA with fewer branches we add the drive time polygons
memphis_branch_dat <- read.csv("data/memphis_area_branch_dat.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# MSA 32820 - Memphis Area
map3 <- create_map(32820, branch_dat = memphis_branch_dat, add_drive_polys=TRUE)
## Warning in dir.create(directory): 'temp_mapping_files' already exists
## Warning in dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped")):
## 'temp_mapping_files\unzipped' already exists
## Linking to GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.2.3, PROJ 4.9.3