Load the required packages

First we read in a set of required packages. You may need to use install.packages() if this is your first time using one or more of these.


Load the public demographic data and county-to-MSA crosswalk from Census Bureau website

Here we read in two files. First, the demographics of all census tracts (csv created from 2017 ACS) saved as “data/tract_share_minority.csv”. Second, the information about MSA/CBSA by county (csv from Census Bureau) saved as “data/cbsa_list.csv”.

# Load-in the demographics of all census tracts
demographics <- read.csv("data/tract_share_minority.csv") %>% 
  mutate(minority_share = case_when(
    is.na(pct_minority) ~ "NA",
    pct_minority < 50 ~ "0 - 50%",
    pct_minority < 80 ~ "50 - 80%",
    TRUE ~ "80 - 100%")) %>% 
  mutate(minority_share = factor(minority_share,
                                 levels = c(
                                   "0 - 50%",
                                   "50 - 80%",
                                   "80 - 100%",

# Read in the data with information about MSA/CBSA by county
cbsas <- read_csv("data/cbsa_list.csv")

Create the master function that creates the MSA maps

This code will create the function. You should not need to edit this code.

create_map <- function(msa_num, app_dat=NULL, branch_dat=NULL, add_drive_polys=FALSE, shape_file_year=2018, dir_to_use="", delete_files=TRUE){
  # Set the directory
  directory <- paste0(dir_to_use, "temp_mapping_files/")
  # Create a temporary directory to work with
  # Create the directory to save the unzipped files into
  dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped"))

  # Get the counties in the MSA
  msa_dat <- filter(cbsas, `CBSA Code` == msa_num)

  # For each state that is represented in the MSA, download the shape files
  states_in_msa <- unique(msa_dat$`FIPS State Code`)
  # Make a string version that adds a 0 infront of single digit states
  # str_states_in_msa <- if_else(states_in_msa < 10, paste0("0", states_in_msa), as.character(states_in_msa))
  # Loop through the states
  for(i in 1:length(states_in_msa)){
    # Create the URL to ping
    url <- sprintf("https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ%s/shp/cb_%s_%s_tract_500k.zip",
                   shape_file_year, shape_file_year, states_in_msa[i])
    # Set the place to send the zip folder
    file_loc <- paste0(directory, basename(url))
    # Call the API #
    # Only run if the file does not already exist
    if(file.exists(file_loc) == FALSE){
      call <- GET(url,
                write_disk(file_loc, overwrite=FALSE),
      # If we do not get a favorable status, delete whatever we found
      if(call$status_code != 200){
      # And stop the function
      stop_for_status(call, paste(
                      "connect with Census Bureau servers. Attempted to connect with url:",
                      "Make sure you are using the correct MSA number. It is also possible that the Census servers are down."))
    } else print("File already exists") # If the file already exists, tell the user that
    # Unzip the zip folder and save it in the folder unzipped
    unzip(file_loc, exdir = paste0(directory, "unzipped"))
    # Get the name of the shape file
    shp_file <- substr(basename(url), 0, nchar(basename(url))-4)
    # Load in the spatial data of tracts in the state
    state_tracts <- readOGR(paste0(directory, "unzipped/", shp_file, ".shp"), layer = shp_file)
    # Get the FIPS numbers of the counties in the state that are in the MSA
    counties <- (filter(msa_dat, `FIPS State Code` == states_in_msa[i]))$`FIPS County Code`
    counties <- as.numeric(counties)
    # Limit the spatial data to only the counties in the state that are in the MSA
    state_tracts@data <- state_tracts@data %>%
      mutate(COUNTYFP = as.numeric(as.character(COUNTYFP)),
             GEOID = as.numeric(as.character(GEOID)))
    state_msa_tracts <- state_tracts[state_tracts$COUNTYFP %in% counties,]
    # Then bind the tracts to the final data
    if(i == 1){
      msa_tracts <- state_msa_tracts
      msa_tracts <- rbind(msa_tracts, state_msa_tracts)
  # Join the demographic data in
  msa_tracts@data <- left_join(msa_tracts@data, demographics, by=c("GEOID"="geoid2"))
  # Delete the files that are left at the end
  if(delete_files == TRUE){
    unlink(directory, recursive = T)
  # Create the minority tract palette
  pal_tract_minority <- colorFactor(c("#fcdf99", "#f29130", "#FF6F61", "#e6e6fa"), domain = msa_tracts$minority_share)
  # Create the base map
  map <- leaflet(msa_tracts) %>% 
    setView(mean(bbox(msa_tracts)[1,1], bbox(msa_tracts)[1,2])*.99,
            mean(bbox(msa_tracts)[2,1], bbox(msa_tracts)[2,2])*1.01, 
            zoom = 8) %>%
      options = leafletOptions()               
    ) %>% 
      fillColor = ~pal_tract_minority(minority_share),
      weight = .05,
      color = "black",
      opacity = 1,
      fillOpacity = 0.5,
      group = "Tract Demographics"
    ) %>% 
              pal = pal_tract_minority, 
              values = ~minority_share, 
              title = "Tract Minority Share")
  # If you give it branches limit to the branches in a box surrounding the MSA and plot
    # Filter to only the branches in the MSA
    coordinates(branch_dat) <- ~ X + Y
    proj4string(branch_dat) <- proj4string(msa_tracts)
    branch_dat <- branch_dat[msa_tracts,]
    # Construct the drive time polygons
      print("Constructing the drive time polygons:")
      # This is calling the demo OSRM server to build isochrone drive time polygons for each branch.
      # It takes a second to run.
      # Eventually, it would probably be better to set up a local instance of this server.
      # See: https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/osrm/versions/3.2.0
      # See: http://project-osrm.org/
      # We do this only for the branches that are currently open.
      isos <- list()
      for(i in 1:nrow(branch_dat)){
        print(paste(i, "of", nrow(branch_dat)))
        iso <- osrmIsochrone(loc = c((branch_dat[i,])$X, (branch_dat[i,])$Y), breaks = c(0, 10, 15, 20))
        iso@data$drive_times <- factor(paste(iso@data$min, "to", iso@data$max, "min"))
        isos[[i]] <- iso
      # Now we merge all the polygons into rows in a SpatialPolygon data frame
      combined_isos <- isos[[1]]
      if(length(isos) > 1){
        for(i in 2:length(isos)){
          combined_isos <- rbind(combined_isos, isos[[i]])
      # Then for each of the drive times, we actually merge the polygon shapes
      # 10 mins
      ten_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times == "0 to 10 min",]
      ID_ten <- factor(rep(1, nrow(ten_min_isos))) # one id for all
      merged_polys_10 <- unionSpatialPolygons(ten_min_isos, ID_ten)
      # 15 mins
      fifteen_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times %in% c("0 to 10 min", "10 to 15 min"),]
      ID_fifteen <- factor(rep(1, nrow(fifteen_min_isos))) # one id for all
      merged_polys_15 <- unionSpatialPolygons(fifteen_min_isos, ID_fifteen)
      # 20 mins
      twenty_min_isos <- combined_isos[combined_isos$drive_times %in% c("0 to 10 min", "10 to 15 min", "15 to 20 min"),]
      ID_twenty <- factor(rep(1, nrow(twenty_min_isos))) # one id for all
      merged_polys_20 <- unionSpatialPolygons(twenty_min_isos, ID_twenty)
      # Add the polygon layers to the map
      map <- map %>% 
        addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
                    fillColor = "#08589e",
                    weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
                    data = merged_polys_10,
                    group = "Drive Time = 10 Minutes") %>% 
        addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
                    fillColor = "#08589e",
                    weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
                    data = merged_polys_15,
                    group = "Drive Time = 15 Minutes") %>% 
        addPolygons(fill=TRUE, stroke=TRUE, color = "black",
                    fillColor = "#08589e",
                    weight=0.5, fillOpacity=0.25,
                    data = merged_polys_20,
                    group = "Drive Time = 20 Minutes")
    # Add the branch data to the map
    map <- map %>% 
        data = branch_dat, lat = branch_dat$Y, lng = branch_dat$X,
        weight = 1,
        opacity = .9,
        fillOpacity = .75,
        radius = 12,
        group = "Branches",
        color = "#08589e"
  # Add the loan data to the map
    map <- map %>% 
        data = app_dat, lat = app_dat$Y, lng = app_dat$X,
        weight = 1,
        opacity = .9,
        fillOpacity = .5,
        radius = 3,
        group = "Applications",
        color = "#737373"
  map <- map %>% 
      overlayGroups = c("Tract Demographics", "Drive Time = 10 Minutes", "Drive Time = 15 Minutes",
                      "Drive Time = 20 Minutes", "Applications", "Branches")) %>% 
    hideGroup(c("Drive Time = 15 Minutes", "Drive Time = 20 Minutes"))

Example Calls

Example 1 - Branches w/o drive time

For our first example, we load in branch data (pulled from publicly available source at: https://research.fdic.gov/bankfind/ and geocoded using the Google geocoding API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/start)

dc_branch_dat <- read.csv("data/dc_area_branch_dat.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# MSA 47900 - DC-Area
map1 <- create_map(47900, branch_dat = dc_branch_dat, delete_files = F)

Example 2 - Branches w/o drive time AND applications

Here we generate fake application data to show how one can overlay applications on the map.

# Generate fake loan data according to a uniform distribution (yes this naiive approach puts some loans in rivers)
fake_applications <- data.frame(
  X = runif(n=2000, min=-78, max=-76.8),
  Y = runif(n=2000, min=38.4, max=39.2))

map2 <- create_map(47900, app_dat = fake_applications, branch_dat = dc_branch_dat)
## Warning in dir.create(directory): 'temp_mapping_files' already exists
## Warning in dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped")):
## 'temp_mapping_files\unzipped' already exists

Example 3 - Branches w/ drive time

Now for an MSA with fewer branches we add the drive time polygons

memphis_branch_dat <- read.csv("data/memphis_area_branch_dat.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# MSA 32820 - Memphis Area
map3 <- create_map(32820, branch_dat = memphis_branch_dat, add_drive_polys=TRUE)
## Warning in dir.create(directory): 'temp_mapping_files' already exists
## Warning in dir.create(paste0(directory, "unzipped")):
## 'temp_mapping_files\unzipped' already exists
## Linking to GEOS 3.6.1, GDAL 2.2.3, PROJ 4.9.3